Control points must be punched in sequential order. The correct order is verified by GPS tracking. The team must stay together at all times. The team must visit the control points together, with members no more than ten meters apart. Equipment does not need to be carried to the control points. The winning team is the one that has visited all control points the fastest.
If no team has visited all control points, the winner is the team that has visited the most control points in correct order and is first to reach the finish on time. If the sequential order is broken, the team receives compensation for other remaining control points collected on the way to the finish. Other ranks are determined by the same principle.
Each team receives two sets of maps, containing approximately four A3- sized maps. One map shows the entire route, and three maps at a 1:50,000 scale for orienteering. In the open short series, there are two maps. The map is an improved version of the base map. The map contour interval is five meters.
Control points
There are about 30 control points. Fewer in the open short series. There are no flags or other markers at the control points. Instead, each control points have a question, the answer to which must be collected from the control point location. The question always clearly indicates that the team is in the right place.
For example: 'Intersection signpost: Distance to Enonkoski in kilometers' or 'Which animal can be seen in the info sign? A) Bear B) Mammoth C) Deer' The questions are clear and straightforward with no tricks. Additionally, control point descriptions specify where to find the answer.
Sample control points are in the competition center.
Each team must have a mobile phone packed waterproof, from which they can call for help to the emergency number 112 or the event center at +35850 5232248. Except for the Open and Open short series, the phone is sealed at registration before the start. The seal is checked at the finish.
Every team is obliged to help other competitors in distress.
If a team must leave the route or cannot reach the finish on time, they can call the event center for transport to the finish. However, the organizer does not guarantee a quick pick-up except in emergencies.
Detailed information will be published in Bulletin III.